If you received an eligibility invite from the college, you can join! The junior/senior standing is determined by the number of credits you have, so if you came in with AP or community college credits, you may already have junior/senior standing.
You can find information about our scholarships, fellowships, and awards here and on their official website. If you are an initiate or member of Tau Beta Pi, check out our Slack for more opportunities and benefits!
7 total hours are required for undergraduates. 1 in each category: professional, service, and social. For graduate students, only 3 hours are required, 1 in professional or service and the rest from any of the 3. The initiate social is required for undergraduates.
While it is true that Tau Beta Pi is an academic honor society for engineers, we take much pride in our tradition of service to the College and the community. To ensure that we initiate the people of the highest caliber, and to make the initiation process as rich and rewarding as possible, we require that you provide service on behalf of our society.
You will have to receive another eligibility invite at the beginning of next semester to join, as eligibility is reevaluated each semester.
Sadly, you can’t join yet. We can’t control who received the invitation with respect to degree requirements, only to GPA. Keep up the good work and initiate once you have completed 50% of your research and course requirements. For questions on this requirement or any other requirement, contact the grad services coordinator.
The letter must be 1 page in length, confirm that you are 50% completed with your degree by the time of application and have a GPA of 3.75+, and recommend you to the society.
We will notify you of our general events using our weekly newsletter sent via email. You may also check our Events page and Calendar for our society’s events.
Please feel free to talk to any of the officers after any of the meetings, through email, or at any time during the semester.
The Officers page has all of the officers’ names, positions, and contact information. Or just scroll down to check the Contact us section in the footer.
The officers of Tau Beta Pi are here to serve you and to make your initiation as enjoyable and worthwhile as possible. If you ever have a question or a personal matter, please contact one of the officers, and we will do our best to meet your needs and ensure your privacy.
No. Unfortunately, we no longer initiate online graduate students.